Monday, February 6, 2012

Step II: Health

Tonight, I do something I hate...I join a gym. I hate gyms, I hate them so much, and I am so bad about going to them, but I need to get in shape. I also think they are overpriced, and annoying. I could do a lot of other things with that money, but you know what, I also want to live a long and healthy life as much as possible.

Blarg, stupid gyms. At least they have a month-to-month plan so I can stop if I hate it.

Edit: Maybe I will try DVDs again, or P90X at the behest of my sister-in-law, who I trust on such matters. 

Random Truth #5

I love dogs more than cats.


I have wanted to dye my hair red for some time, but I hate commercial dyes, and think salons are too expensive, which they are. Being an eco-minded person, I started to research henna as a means of dyeing my hair, and let me tell you, I love it.

This weekend my husband applied henna to my hair, and it has come out this amazing red color. It isn't too bright, and it isn't too dark, and I didn't kill any little animals in the process. In sunlight the henna is a very vibrant red, and in indoor light it looks like my natural color with red highlighting. Here are some pictures:

Friday, February 3, 2012

Home, Sweet 351-square feet

I have always wanted to live in an efficient, environmentally friendly home. In recent years, this has started equating to small, homey, and efficient uses of space. I have been further inspired by this couple, who had a large home and after a fire decided to modify and live in 351-square feet.

Here is the article on that story.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am officially becoming a dress person. My mother is finally getting what she wanted all those years ago...I'm wearing dresses. Mind you, my mother was sweet and never pushed the issue, and she let me be a tomboy all I wanted, but she would have liked it a lot if I had enjoyed dresses, makeup, and shoes.

My favorite pieces of clothing are about 6 dresses: 2 retro wiggle dresses, 2 modern retro-ish dresses, a sweater dress, and another retro mod-dress. Now I am looking at 2-3 more that I really like:


I definitely want to try and sew to get motivated to sew. I am always so motivated to do things when I am at work, and I get all excited, and then I go home, and my brain turns to mush, and I never seem to get anything done.