Friday, October 14, 2011

Smells like Laundry, Looks like Henna

In a previous post, I briefly touched on how most people's laundry these days smells as if you poured a whole bottle of perfume on yourself, at least to me, and if you like it, well, live and let live. This isn't a post complaining about that, but it is related.

So, John and I hunt, as you all know, and it is very popular for hunters to buy scent-masking sprays, or clothing that has built in smell-masking "technology." I think this is all a load of codswallop. If hunters would stop washing their clothing with perfumed Tide the deer might be able to smell them a little less, and especially the turkey, who have an incredible sense of smell that you wouldn't expect. So, tell yourselves, oh hunters, "I will not buy stupid shit."

It used to be that people said your were buying snake oil, a charm, or getting robbed, but nowadays everyone goes along with the latest product that supposedly helps with X, solves Y, and makes your life _____ (insert positive sounding adjective). This isn't new. This has been going on since the dawn of society. Step away from the latest product, and think logically. If you still want it after that, then hey, that is your choice, we all spend our money on silly and frivolous things (I include myself too), but please spend it on nice frivolous things.

Speaking of frivolous things. I am in love with tattoos and always have been. They are a complete waste of my money at the moment, as I don't have much, but I so love them. I've never been able to decide on a design. I also adore henna, but I don't want to keep having it redone, or to buy a sub-par product and do it myself. That is if I could even do it myself, because I want things on my back, not an easy place to do for oneself. In either case, it came to mind again when I saw a model on Facebook today who had beautiful henna work on her, that I would adore having as a permanent tattoo, but alas, where would I find the money, and I don't even know if a tattoo artist could tattoo something that looked like henna. Does anyone know that answer? It's something for me to look into. Below is the photo of the henna I adored, it is a little blurry, but if you have Facebook, check out the model's original photo here.

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